The Department of Museum Collections deals with inventorying, registering and cataloguing the collection of artefacts of the Museum. Working in close cooperation with the Regional Monument Conservator for Wielkopolska, it acquires materials obtained during archaeological research, gifts and deposits. The Department keeps the Museum Collections Book, the Book of Acquisitions and the Book of Artefacts Transfer. It coordinates work on loans of the Museum’s own collection and loans from other museums, institutions and individuals, and prepares the necessary documentation – contracts and protocols of delivery and acceptance. It monitors periodic inspections of conformity of inventory records with the factual state of possessions. It digitalises and constructs databases of inventoried and catalogued  artefacts in the MuzArp database program. The number of inventory items (at the end of 2011) stands at 47 719.

Barbara Kirschke, M.A. – Head Cataloguer of Museum Collections
tel. +48 61 628 55 30

Kamila Dolata-Goszcz, M.A. – administrative officer of MuzArp program
tel. +48 61 628 55 32